You were just asked to be your buddy's best man at his wedding next month. You're probably feeling excited, even quite honored. You realize it's now your duty to arrange a bachelor party, write a best man speech, and maybe even bring the wedding rings to the altar. Although having such responsibilities make you a bit anxious, you know that it definitely beats what you'd have to do as best man several centuries ago; help kidnap your buddy's soon to be wife!

The history of the best man tradition goes all the way back to the sixteenth century, when it served for a completely different purpose than it does now. Back then, it was customary for a man to marry a woman within his own community. However, if there were not enough women in the community, the men had to look elsewhere. After doing so and finding themselves a suitable wife, they would ask one of their close friends to raid the town and help kidnap the chosen woman if her family objected to the marriage proposal or anything of that sort. This close friend was called the best man! So now think about it, do those minor best man burdens sound as bad anymore?
By Julia Dankov
An engagement is a once in a lifetime occasion, which is the reason why most people look to mark it as an important occasion of their lifetime, and what better way to do that then by giving the person you are about to marry a diamond engagement ring. If you’re wondering just how much this engagement ring is going to cost you there’s no need to be worried. We are providing the best engagement ring at an affordable price, you can order it buy online.