Thursday, December 8, 2011

Smashing Plates in Greece

     Most couples, when at their weddings, choose to eat off of plates. You're probably thinking, so what? That's a seemingly normal thing to do. Greek couples, however, would disagree. They wouldn't choose to use their plates for a "normal" activity such as eating, they would instead choose to use them for a far more unique purpose. At Greek weddings, it's not uncommon to find the bride, groom, and whomever else is attending smashing plates all over the place. As wholly violent as the activity may sound, it has a lot of history and deep meaning.

     The tradition of breaking plates at weddings and other such important events dates back to ancient times. Back in those days, people smashed plates at funerals all over Greece as a way of saying "good riddance" to the angst and pain they felt due to their losses. A little while later, the tradition of smashing plates began being incorporated into weddings all over Greece. Newlywed couples would stand in the doorways of their homes and smash plates on the ground to symbolize abundance and to summon a happy future together. Even now, the tradition is seen all around the world at Greek weddings, where plates are smashed during the reception. So next time remember, for many people, plates are only for meals!

By Julia Dankov

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